How to Fix Drywall: Cheaper and easier than you think!

Wondering how to Fix Drywall?

Is it time to Fix Drywall? Yes, if you are like me, one of your daughters ran their big wheel into the basement

wall and no you have a really nice hole.

Although the same has happened when we moved into our house. Yes, I thought that the treadmill would fit down the

stairs – well, it really doesn’t. Now I have a big gash in my wall and it is time for me to fix drywall.

Getting a hole in your wall...It’s devastating. You have this nice clean, smooth wall and with in a split second,

you now have a hole in your wall.

I remember one time when I was a kid. I got startled when I woke up and my knee went into my wall. At the age of

about 10 and knowing my parents, I was pretty freaked out so I went and told my mom, who was half asleep at the

time, what had happed.

It didn’t even register until she actually saw what happened. “Jeffreyyyyyyy!” All I could say was, that my knee

hit the wall when I woke up.

And this was my introduction to repairing drywall.

At the age of 10 it was actually pretty fun. I got to play with some putty, get a little dirty and also fix

something. Pretty cool.

So, How to fix drywall. It's a pretty simple task as long as you take your time and are patient. You will be GREAT

at it.

Tools you’ll need:Putty knife
Joint compound
Sand paper
(if you need much more than it is probably a whopping big hole)

Make sure you have the right tool for your Home Improvement Project

Step 1:Sand the hole. Use the sand paper to take off any rough edges of the hole/dent. This will make sure that when you

are finally done with your drywall fix, you will have a nice smooth surface.

Step 2: Apply the joint compound and smooth it off. I typically like to get a dollop of joint compound on the end of the

putty knife and slap it into the hole. Then I take some nice strokes across the entire area with my putty knife to

make sure it is nice and smooth.

Picture it like filling the center of a celery stick with peanut butter. You put a bunch on and then you make it

smooth (not mounded as when we were kids).

Step 3:Wait for it to DRY. Yes, you need to wait. There are some products out there that are a very quick and easy fix.

They work well in some situations and I have used them before. Watch this video to see one area that I’ve used


Step 4: LIGHTLY sand the area. The purpose in sanding is to take any of the rough edges off of the Drywall fix and make it

nice and smooth.

***it is possible that you might need to reapply the joint compound again. Depending on the depth of the hole and

size of what you are working on, you could go through Steps 2,3,4 multiple times.

Step 5:Texture if desired. In most cases you will want to texture the area you just fixed. If you use the ‘peel and

stick’ drywall repair tools, then the texturing is probably already done for you.

I really enjoy the spray texture. You can find it at your local hardware store and I feel it really brings more of

the ‘original’ finish to the wall.

***if you are planning on wall papering or if you like the ‘smooth’ look, you will not need to texture over your

repaired wall.

Congratulations! You have just Learned How To Fix Drywall!

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